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Polish President considers US decision to transfer Patriot missiles to Ukraine out of turn as problem

Polish President considers US decision to transfer Patriot missiles to Ukraine out of turn as problem Polish President Andrzej Duda (photo: Getty Images)

The US decision to give Ukraine priority in the supply of missiles for the Patriot air defense system over other customer countries is a problem, states Polish President Andrzej Duda.

"It is always a problem when deliveries are delayed, especially when the Polish army is being modernized. However, let's remember that we are protected by, among other things, American launchers, and British systems in Poland today," Duda said.

In his opinion, this situation demonstrates that Western countries produce too few weapons.

The Polish president noted that for many years, "the free world has been used to living without wars, without threats," and military production was limited.

"Now, when there is, for example, a demand for ammunition, the warehouses are empty. And this is a huge problem today, we need to return to normal production, we need to restore supply chains, we need to look at the fact that the world has changed," Duda emphasized.


The United States of America has decided to reprioritize the nearest sales of Patriot and NASAMS missiles to other countries in favor of Ukraine.

This means that Ukraine will receive these missiles at an accelerated pace to protect its infrastructure from Russian attacks.

According to John Kirby, Strategic Communications Coordinator for the US National Security Council, the first deliveries are expected to begin this summer.