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Polish Foreign Minister: Poland backs Ukraine in EU, but has own demands

Polish Foreign Minister: Poland backs Ukraine in EU, but has own demands Photo: Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski (Getty Images)

Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski states that Poland supports Ukraine's EU membership, but Warsaw has "its own demands" for Kyiv along the way, according to RMF 24.

"We want to maintain the support of both sides of the political divide in the United States regarding the alliance with Europe, support for Ukraine, and the physical presence of American troops in Poland," he said.

When asked if negotiations with Ukraine are becoming more complicated, he responded that "Ukraine is under pressure."

"In the sea, it feels fine, but on land, a little less so. We support Ukraine, but of course, we have our own demands, as is often the case between neighbors," he emphasized.

Sikorski's statement on Crimea

Recently, the Polish Foreign Minister made a controversial statement about Crimea. Sikorski suggested placing Crimea under a UN mandate.

According to Sikorski's position, this would allow the issue of Crimea's "belonging" to be postponed for 20 years and later resolved through a "referendum."

The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the Polish minister’s statement by saying that Ukraine's territorial integrity has never been and cannot be a subject of discussion or compromise and that Crimea is Ukraine. Additionally, the Mejlis called Sikorski’s statement unacceptable.

Later, Sikorski attempted to justify his statement about Crimea, claiming that his proposal was hypothetical.