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Poland to ask Ukraine for access to secret annexes to victory plan

Poland to ask Ukraine for access to secret annexes to victory plan Photo: Władysław Teofil Bartoszewski (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Warsaw wants to review the unpublished additions to Ukraine's victory plan, which was recently presented by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, stated Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Władysław Teofil Bartoszewski in an interview with the Polish Press Agency (PAP).

According to him, Poland is not among the countries that received complete information about the victory plan.

"We have provided Ukraine with military help in the most crucial way because when Germany was talking about sending them helmets, we sent them 320 tanks. Therefore, our input has evidently been substantial, especially in the beginning, when it was most needed," Bartoszewski said.

He emphasized that Warsaw should have access to these documents.

"Surely the Polish foreign ministry will speak on this issue with the Ukrainian side because we stay in continuous communication," Bartoszewski added.

Ukraine's victory plan

Earlier, we reported that on October 17, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented Ukraine's victory plan during a visit to Brussels. According to him, most leaders of the European Union expressed support for this plan.

Shortly before that, he presented it to the Ukrainian Parliament. The plan consists of five main points and three secret appendices. One of the key elements of the plan is a proposal for Ukraine to be quickly invited to NATO.

However, Zelenskyy also stated that Ukraine would not disclose the content of the secret appendices of the victory plan to certain countries. He mentioned that this concerns those states that do not provide assistance to Ukraine.