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Poland says it is close to establishing tribunal for Russia

Poland says it is close to establishing tribunal for Russia Photo: The tribunal for crimes of aggression against Ukraine is almost established (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The international community is approaching the establishment of a tribunal for the crimes of aggression of Russia against Ukraine. It will function within the structures of the Council of Europe, Polish Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar says.

On Friday in Luxembourg, Polish Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar said that an international tribunal to investigate the crimes of Russian aggression against Ukraine should be established soon.

The special tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine will deal only with this issue, i.e., investigate who decided on the aggressive war itself, who led it, and who decided to attack Ukraine.

The minister emphasized that the international community is approaching the creation of this institution, which would function within the Council of Europe. He emphasized that Ukraine also wants this.

“What good will it do if someone judges the commander who gave shameful orders in Bucha or Mariupol if the people responsible for the decision to start the war, such as (Russian dictator Vladimir - ed.) Putin or (former Russian Defense Minister Sergei - ed.) Shoigu, are not tried?” Bodnar said.

Recently, Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Anton Korynevych named the most promising format for the creation of the tribunal.

According to preliminary data, a special tribunal for Putin and his associates is likely to be established by the end of 2024.