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Tribunal for Putin and his associates: Ambassador reveals likely format

Tribunal for Putin and his associates: Ambassador reveals likely format Photo: Kremlin head Vladimir Putin (Getty Images)

The format for establishing a special tribunal based on a bilateral agreement between Ukraine and the Council of Europe is the most promising. Plans for its development will continue, states Anton Korynevych, the Ambassador for Special Assignments at the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.

"Indeed, we have concluded that the format for establishing the tribunal based on a bilateral agreement between Ukraine and the Council of Europe is the most promising and one that should be followed, and which we need to develop further," he said.

Thus, according to the ambassador, the Core Group meeting continues to work.

"And we will definitely have meetings this year and by the end of the year. Then, of course, we will continue to work on the drafts of the founding documents, particularly for the tribunal. So, the work is underway," Korynevych noted.

He stated that the Core Group meeting on the establishment of a special tribunal regarding the crime of aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which took place in September in Vienna, "was positive, and this is the overall assessment of all who participated in the meeting."

At the same time, he indicated that discussions are currently ongoing regarding how judges will be selected and how the judicial body will be formed.

"These issues will be incorporated into the founding documents, including the statute of the tribunal. And we are currently working on developing these relevant documents as well," the ambassador concluded.

Tribunal for Putin and his associates

A special group has been established to create a tribunal for Putin and his associates. Specifically, the 11th meeting of the Core Group for the establishment of the special tribunal took place in September.

At this stage, participants have already discussed general issues regarding the format of the special tribunal and have moved on to discussing the draft statute.

As reported, the special tribunal for Putin and his associates is highly likely to be established by the end of 2024.