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Poland makes new statement about return of conscripts to Ukraine

Poland makes new statement about return of conscripts to Ukraine Photo: Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Poland believes that the EU can create conditions that will encourage Ukrainians liable for military service to return home, according to Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski.

He emphasized that European countries should help Ukraine. The Minister noted that there are hundreds of thousands of potential recruits in the EU countries who have to defend their homeland. According to him, Poland is at the forefront of helping Ukraine prepare these people for military service.

Sikorski said that the discussion on the return to Ukraine of those who evade military service is being held at the level of the European Union.

“Here we can set such conditions for the stay of Ukrainians in the EU that will encourage them to fulfill their duty to protect their homeland,” the Polish Foreign Minister said.

What preceded it

Poland has admitted that it could help Ukraine with the return of men liable for military service. The Polish Ministry of the Interior promised that Ukrainians without passports would be guaranteed temporary protection.

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said that Warsaw expects an initiative from Ukraine to return men of military age.

The Ukrainian Legion will be created in Poland. It will consist of Ukrainians living in the European Union.