Plates and cups affect your figure: How to choose right dishes for weight loss

If you want to lose weight, pay attention not only to the calorie content of your meals but also to the dishes you eat. Scientific research confirms that the size of the plate, the shape of the glass, and the size of the spoon affect how much we eat and how quickly we get full.
Fact 1: Smaller plate means less food
According to the Titchener illusion, an object appears larger or smaller depending on the objects around it. This means that food on a small plate looks bigger than on a large one. Studies show that if a person thinks they have eaten more, they feel fuller faster. In addition, a small plate does not physically fit an excessive amount of food, which helps to control portions.
Fact 2: Narrow glasses have fewer calories
Drinks in a long, narrow glass appear larger than in a wide glass, even if their volume is the same. This is an optical illusion: people underestimate the width but overestimate the height. As a result, when we drink from a narrow glass, we drink less liquid, which is especially useful for those who control the consumption of high-calorie drinks such as juices or sugary sodas.
Fact 3: Smaller spoon means faster satiety
Spoon size also affects appetite. Studies have shown that when we use a smaller spoon, we eat more slowly, which allows the body to feel full in time. In addition, each sip of food becomes more deliberate, which helps to fill you up with fewer calories.
The trainer said that if you want to control your weight, use a small plate, drink from a narrow glass, and eat with a small spoon. These simple changes in habits will help you achieve your desired results more easily!
Scientists have developed a diet that helps you lose weight without counting calories.
And also read how exactly should you drink water to lose weight.
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