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Plans to discuss war in Ukraine: Duda and Trump could meet in US - Reuters

Plans to discuss war in Ukraine: Duda and Trump could meet in US - Reuters Photo: Donald Trump, former US President (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Polish President Andrzej Duda and US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump may meet in Pennsylvania later this week. They are expected to discuss, among other topics, the war in Ukraine, according to Reuters.

As Polish official reported, Duda will attend the unveiling of a monument at a Polish-American Roman Catholic shrine in Pennsylvania, and Trump has also been invited to the event.

If Trump comes, "there will definitely be an opportunity to exchange a few words and talk about the most important topics," the Reuters source added.

Among the topics Duda and Trump may discuss are Polish-American relations, Poland's security, and the war in Ukraine.

Journalists point out that such a meeting would be a rare occasion for a foreign leader to hold talks with a US presidential candidate during the election campaign.

Additionally, Pennsylvania, with its significant Polish-American population, is one of several key states with a tight race in the November 5 presidential election.


Both Poland and the US have been allies of Ukraine since the onset of the full-scale Russian invasion. In June this year, the two countries launched an international operation aimed at combating Russian propaganda and disinformation.