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Pistorius on wiretapping of German officers: Part of Russia's information warfare

Pistorius on wiretapping of German officers: Part of Russia's information warfare Boris Pistorius, Minister of Defense of Germany (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Wiretapping senior officers of the German Air Force and publishing their conversations is part of Russia's information warfare, states Boris Pistorius, Minister of Defense of Germany.

According to the German minister, the publication by Russian propagandists of an intercepted conversation between German air force officers is a "hybrid disinformation attack" by Russia.

"This is part of the information war waged by Putin [Russian dictator - ed.]. It is about splitting. It is about undermining our unity. And, accordingly, we must respond to this with special care, but no less resolutely," he emphasized.

Pistorius added that we cannot "give in to Putin" now. He hopes this will not happen.

Interception of German officers' conversations

Recently, Russian propagandist Margarita Simonyan published an audio recording of senior German Air Force officers discussing the theoretical possibilities of Ukraine using German Taurus cruise missiles. In particular, the audio recording discusses the possibility of striking the so-called Crimean bridge with Taurus missiles.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz stated that this incident would be quickly investigated. The German Federal Office for Military Counterintelligence has begun to investigate the possible interception of German officers' conversations by the Russian side.

Yesterday, the German Ministry of Defense confirmed the interception of German officers' conversations but checked the authenticity of the recording published by the Russians.

Afterward, Agnieszka Brugger, vice-chair of the Green parliamentary group, accused Russia and dictator Vladimir Putin of trying to destabilize the situation in Germany.