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Pentagon works with US agencies to block Russian access to technology despite sanctions

Pentagon works with US agencies to block Russian access to technology despite sanctions Photo: Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder (getty images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

The Pentagon is working closely with other US government agencies to ensure that Russia cannot access American technology, even through sanctions evasion, according to Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder.

Pat Ryder emphasized that the US does not want to see American technology used in the war against Ukraine.

"Certainly we don't want to see American technologies being used in places like Ukraine against Ukrainian citizens," Ryder stressed.

Additionally, the Pentagon is collaborating with other US agencies on this issue. This includes working with the Department of Commerce to prevent American components from appearing in weapons used by sanctioned countries such as Russia.

"The Department of Defense will continue to work closely with our interagency partners to prevent," Ryder assured.

In April 2024, it was reported that foreign components, including 70% from US companies, were found in Russian missiles attacking Ukraine.

In June, The Washington Post reported the presence of American chips in Russian radar systems, drones, tanks, ground equipment, and coastal ships — all used in the war against Ukraine.

Later, in July, Ukrainian Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin revealed that Russian missiles and drones contain foreign components from at least 19 countries.