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Pentagon prepares to send artillery and air defense equipment to Ukraine - Politico

Pentagon prepares to send artillery and air defense equipment to Ukraine - Politico Archival photo: Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The United States is preparing to quickly approve a new military aid package for Ukraine, as Congress will soon approve a law to support Ukraine, according to Politico.

The agency writes that it is artillery and air defense equipment. Other sources indicate that the administration of President Joe Biden has not yet made a final decision on how large the tranche of military aid will be and what it will contain.

"But Defense Department officials are working on putting together a package of US equipment that can move quickly through the bureaucratic process once the legislation passes and is signed by the president," writes Politico.

The material states that some of the US weapons are already positioned in warehouses across Europe and can be immediately transported to Ukraine. Some equipment could reach Ukraine in days, while others may take weeks.

How the Pentagon reacts to this

Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder refused to go into details about what the future aid package will include.

But, according to him, the United States has a very reliable logistics network that allows it to move material assets very quickly. It can be a matter of days.

Earlier, Assistant Secretary of the Pentagon for International Security Affairs Celeste Wallander told lawmakers that the Pentagon would begin to rapidly send ammunition, artillery shells, and air defense equipment as soon as Congress approves aid to Ukraine.

US aid to Ukraine

The US Congress has been unable to approve a new aid package for Ukraine since last fall due to disagreements among some members of the Republican Party.

As a result, Ukraine began to experience a shortage of weapons, which led, among other things, to the retreat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from Avdiivka in the Donetsk region.

Recently, however, US House Speaker Mike Johnson put forward his initiative to help Ukraine, which currently has a good chance of being approved. Today, the House of Representatives has begun consideration of the bills initiated by Johnson.