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Pentagon does not view border breach in Kursk region as escalation

Pentagon does not view border breach in Kursk region as escalation Photo: Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh (
Author: Daryna Vialko

The US Department of Defense does not consider the "breach" of the border in the Kursk region and the ongoing fighting there, now in its third day, to be an escalation of Russia's war against Ukraine, stated Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh, according to the Voice of America correspondent Ostap Yarysh.

“We don’t feel this is escalatory in any way. Ukraine is doing what it needs to do to be successful on the battlefield,” Singh said.

She added that the US will continue to support Ukraine with the capabilities it needs.

Fighting in the Kursk region

Fighting has been ongoing in the Kursk region of Russia for the third consecutive day. The Russian forces accuse Ukrainian forces of breaching the border.

Russian Telegram channels report that Ukraine has taken control of several settlements and is advancing.

Ukraine has not confirmed its involvement in the events in the Kursk region.

Meanwhile, the French Ministry of Defense claims that the operation in the Kursk region is being conducted by the Ukrainian Armed Forces and that it has shown "some initial success."

Additionally, Russia is likely to have lost control over 350 square kilometers of its territory.