Pentagon continues to train Ukrainian military despite lack of funds

The Pentagon is scrambling to secure funds from various programs to sustain the ongoing training of Ukrainian military personnel in both the United States and Europe. However, tough decisions loom as resources dwindle, according to Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh.
"We can’t just turn our back on those Ukrainian soldiers that are arriving in Europe or the US to complete training and just send them back to the war," she said.
Singh also said that funds have been allocated, such as from the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, which provides long-term security aid to Ukraine.
She said that it is an essential mission and it involves a combination of funding sources to sustain this training. But if the US continues to operate without adequate funding, the military will incur even greater costs, cautioned Pentagon Press Secretary.
She also revealed that the military is at a point where it will have to make some tough decisions regarding where to source funds. "Perhaps from other programs. It's a challenging time not just for Ukraine but also for the US military," Singh added.
Training of Ukrainian military men
CNN previously reported the US military's independent financing of support for Ukrainian forces, as Congress has yet to vote on assistance legislation for Ukraine.
Since October 2023, the military has already spent over $430 million on various operations, including training Ukrainian troops, transporting equipment, and deploying American forces to Europe.
In February, the US Senate approved a bill providing over $90 billion in aid to Ukraine and Israel, with $60 billion earmarked for Ukraine. However, the US House of Representatives went on recess and won't consider the bill until March.