Pay attention to ingredients: Nutritionist explains which bread is beneficial for your health

Some types of bread can help with weight loss and improve health because they contain a lot of beneficial micronutrients. Specifically, it’s important to pay attention to the product's composition while still in the store, according to Ukrainian nutritionist Iryna Levchenko.
What should be in the composition
According to the expert, when choosing bread, paying attention to the ingredients list is essential.
The first ingredients listed are those present in the highest quantities in the product. Therefore, the list should start with whole grains, flour (whole grain, second grade, or sifted), and water.
Subsequently, the list may include salt, various seeds and nuts, and spices.
However, sugar, sweeteners, honey, molasses, glucose syrup, starch, vegetable oils, margarine, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers, and questionable preservatives should be absent from the composition of natural bread.
The nutritionist noted that the shorter the ingredient list, the higher the likelihood that the bread is of good quality.
Type of flour
Additionally, pay attention to the type of grain or flour used to make the bread. The coarser the flour (whole grain, stone ground, or second grade), the more beneficial nutrients it retains, such as fiber, dietary fibers, vitamins, and minerals.
Good bread may also include bran.
The expert added that if higher or first grade flour (e.g., wheat flour) is listed at the top of the ingredients, it consists of "empty" carbohydrates that do not provide nutritional benefits or long-lasting satiety. Such flours are also virtually devoid of vitamins and micronutrients.
"It is preferable to choose yeast-free types of bread, as their composition is often more natural than those containing yeast," the message states.
How to store bread in the kitchen
The simplest and cheapest option is to store bread in the refrigerator. This way, mold will not develop quickly, and the bread will be usable even a week after the production date. However, there is a significant drawback: the bread will always be cold and may absorb odors from other products in the fridge.
Another option is a fabric bag. You can either buy one or make it yourself. It’s important to tie the bag tightly and store it in a place with moderate humidity, and to wash the fabric periodically.
A breadbox is the most optimal storage solution for bakery products. A well-chosen breadbox not only helps to preserve the freshness of the baked goods for longer but can also serve as a stylish and attractive accessory.
This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.