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Partisan movement reports 'logistical chaos' in Russia after strike on Feodosia oil depot

Partisan movement reports 'logistical chaos' in Russia after strike on Feodosia oil depot Photo: partisans record “logistical chaos” in Russia due to attack on oil depot in Feodosia (
Author: Daryna Vialko

After the destruction of the oil depot in Feodosia, the Russian forces have faced "logistical chaos." They have a fuel shortage, according to the Telegram channel of the partisan movement ATESH.

"Agents are recording active movements of military fuel trucks across Crimea. The destruction of the oil depot in Feodosia has led to a serious fuel shortage for the Russian Armed Forces," the message states.

According to the partisans, the Russian forces are massively creating mobile refueling stations, which constantly change locations out of fear of being struck.

"The higher command ordered that fuel storage points should not stay in one place for more than 10-12 hours. This situation shows that the destruction of such large-scale facilities critically affects both the supply of troops and the ability of the Russian Armed Forces to carry out combat missions," ATESH notes.

Strike on the Feodosia oil depot

On October 7, a massive fire broke out at the oil terminal in Feodosia. The authorities declared a state of emergency. The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces confirmed the strike on the marine oil terminal in Feodosia.

On October 10, it was reported that another tank at the Feodosia oil depot, which was attacked by Ukrainian forces, had caught fire. By that time, the fire had been raging for four days.