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Overnight attack on Ukraine: Air defense downs 24 UAVs, 3 drones fly into Russia and Belarus

Overnight attack on Ukraine: Air defense downs 24 UAVs, 3 drones fly into Russia and Belarus Photo: Air defense systems shot down 24 UAVs during an attack on Ukraine on August 31 (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Russian troops launched missiles and drones at Ukraine on the night of August 31. Three UAVs flew to Russia and Belarus, according to the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

How many targets Russia launched during night attack on Ukraine

On the night of August 31, Russians struck:

  • an Iskander-M ballistic missile from the Voronezh region;
  • four S-300 anti-aircraft guided missiles from the occupied Donetsk region;
  • 52 Shahed-131/136 attack UAVs from the Kursk region.

How air defense responded

Aviation, anti-aircraft missile troops, electronic warfare units, and mobile fire groups of the Ukrainian Air Force were involved in repelling the enemy air attack.

“As a result of the anti-aircraft battle, 24 Shahed-131/136 attack UAVs were shot down, 25 were lost (fell down on their own). Two drones flew in the direction of Russia, another one - to Belarus,” the military said.

The air defense system operated in the Kyiv, Poltava, Cherkasy, Dnipro, Chernihiv, Kirovohrad, Mykolaiv, and Sumy regions.

Russian attack on Ukraine

On the night of August 31, Russian troops attacked Ukraine with drones and missiles. Russians have recently been frequently using combined strikes against Ukraine.

The air defense system shot down all the targets Russia sent against Kyiv. This was the fourth attack on the capital in a week. Air defense systems were operating in the region, and there were no damages or casualties, but there were fires.

In the Cherkasy district, debris damaged residential buildings.