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Orban provokes another diplomatic scandal - Now about Cyprus

Orban provokes another diplomatic scandal - Now about Cyprus Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (photo:

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban took part in an informal summit of the Organization of Turkic States. It is trying to legitimize the so-called "Northern Cyprus" as an observer, which outrages the European Union, states the Head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell.

In particular, he drew attention to the fact that Orban took part in an informal summit of the Organization of Turkic States in Shusha (Azerbaijan) on July 5-6. But he emphasized that it was solely within the framework of Hungary's bilateral relations with this organization.

"Hungary has not received any mandate from the EU Council to advance the relations with the Organization of Turkic States," Borrell said.

At the same time, Borrell said that Brussels rejects the attempts of the Organization of Turkic States to legitimize the Turkish Cypriot separatist entity, the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus," as an observer.

"This decision, pending ratification of Organisation’s members, is regrettable and is contradicting the fact that several members of the Organisation expressed strong support to the principle of territorial integrity and the UN Charter. The EU has made it repeatedly clear, including at highest political level, that the EU recognises only the Republic of Cyprus as a subject of international law, in accordance with the respective UN Security Council Resolutions.," the UN added.

What is the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus"

This is an entity in the north of Cyprus, which is located within the internationally recognized borders of the Republic of Cyprus. The separatists are recognized only by Turkiye and are heavily dependent on its economic, political, and military support.

Turkiye deploys a contingent of its troops in the north of the island. The Republic of Cyprus and the UN consider it an occupying force.

Viktor Orban has been repeatedly criticized this week, including for his visit to Moscow and meeting with Vladimir Putin. According to him, he is allegedly trying to find a solution to the Russian-Ukrainian war. However, the United States, the European Union, and Ukraine believe such negotiations behind their backs will not bring peace closer.

Analysts at the Institute for the Study of War believe that Orban is trying to shift the West's attention from supporting Ukraine to peace talks.