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Orban meets with Erdogan during NATO summit, asks to support his 'peace mission'

Orban meets with Erdogan during NATO summit, asks to support his 'peace mission' Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

During the NATO summit, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban met with Turkish President Recep Erdogan. The parties discussed the "peace mission" of the head of the Hungarian government, citing Orban's X account.

As Orban noted, Erdogan is an important partner in his so-called "peace mission" since Türkiye was the only country that successfully mediated between the warring parties in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

He also added that his "peace mission" continues.

According to Orban's press service head, Bertalan Havasi, during the talks with Erdogan, the Prime Minister asked the latter to support "Hungary's peacekeeping mission."

Orban's 'peace mission'

On July 2, Viktor Orban visited Kyiv, where he met with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. On July 5, the Hungarian Prime Minister traveled to Moscow, where he held talks with Vladimir Putin. And on July 8, Orban also met with Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

Meanwhile, the European Union is deciding how to respond to the "peace mission" of the head of the Hungarian government.

Read more about Orban's visit to Moscow, his goals, and the reaction of European politicians in the RBC-Ukraine article.