ua en ru

One dam broke in Russia: What is known

One dam broke in Russia: What is known Photo: Consequences of a dam breach in Altai (

A dam burst in Altai, Russia, during scheduled maintenance work, reports the local emergency management department's Telegram channel.

It is reported that during scheduled water discharge from a chain of lakes, located 9 kilometers southwest of Shelabolikha village, a road was destroyed due to "overflow." At present, no houses or private plots have been flooded.

"The dams that held water at the Mirror Lakes for years, despite efforts to reinforce them, couldn't withstand the large volume of water that accumulated this rainy summer. As a result, all the water flowed into the river that divides Shelabolikha. Currently, the road connecting both parts of the village has been destroyed," stated Alexander Shushunov, the head of the Shelabolikha district.

One dam broke in Russia: What is known

Photo: consequences of a dam breach in Altai (

One dam broke in Russia: What is known

Photo: consequences of a dam breach in Altai (

One dam broke in Russia: What is known

Photo: consequences of a dam breach in Altai (

The village is home to three thousand people. Shelabolikha is located 85 kilometers from Barnaul.

Previous dam breaches in Russia

In April, the Ural River's flooding led to the submergence of Orsk in the Orenburg region, with reports of casualties and risks of flooding in other regions.

In July, a dam burst in the city of Karabash, Chelyabinsk region, resulting in the flooding of numerous houses. Just a few days later, a dam failed in Karelia.

In August, a breach led to partial flooding in Buryatia. An emergency state was declared in the affected areas at the regional level.