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Russian troops strike Kramatorsk, damaging fire station

Russian troops strike Kramatorsk, damaging fire station Photo: Occupiers attacked the fire department in Kramatorsk on October 6 (

Russian forces attacked Kramatorsk in the Donetsk region on October 6, targeting a fire station, reports the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

"This morning, Russian occupiers struck the city of Kramatorsk," the report states.

This time, the attack targeted the building of the state fire and rescue service.

"The blast wave damaged the windows and garage doors of the building. Fortunately, no personnel were injured," the State Emergency Service added.

Russians attacked with Kh-22 missile

The Russians attacked Kramatorsk with a Kh-22 missile.

“The fire and rescue unit and industrial facilities were damaged. There were no casualties,” the city council said.

Shelling of Kramatorsk

Russian forces are shelling Donetsk region day after day, with Kramatorsk often caught in the crossfire.

For instance, on October 5, Russian troops attacked Kramatorsk in the Donetsk region, causing electrical outages in the city. It was later revealed that the industrial zone, among other areas, was hit. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

Additionally, on August 10, Russia shelled Kramatorsk, resulting in one death and several injuries. The strike targeted critical infrastructure. On August 11, Kramatorsk was again hit by Russian artillery, this time with at least five people injured from the Smerch rocket attacks.