ua en ru

Occupiers seek teenage informants for Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kherson region

Occupiers seek teenage informants for Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kherson region Illustrative photo: The occupiers are looking for informants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine among teenagers in the Kherson region (Getty Images)

Russians have initiated checks on teenagers in the occupied territories, scrutinizing their connections to the Armed Forces. Educational institutions, in particular, are undergoing raids, the Center of National Resistance reports.

In the Kherson region, inspections of colleges and schools have commenced, where collaborators are engaging in "preventive" conversations with students to ascertain their involvement with the partisans.

The students are pressured to report on individuals they consider "disloyal," facing threats and psychological coercion. The teenagers are informed about potential criminal charges and warned of ensuing "consequences."

Methods of influence of the Russian Federation on the occupied territories

It's important to highlight that Russian invaders consistently undertake operations to fortify their control over temporarily occupied territories.

Their actions include the destruction of Ukrainian literature and the establishment of criminal gangs to intimidate and recruit Ukrainian citizens.

These tactics are mainly targeted at the youngest segments of the population under temporary occupation. Additionally, the spread of pro-Russian propaganda extends to school circles, where occupiers introduce their ideologies to Ukrainian children.