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Nutritionist names supplement that slows down aging

Nutritionist names supplement that slows down aging Photo: Which supplememt promotes youthfulness (

Ukrainian nutritionist and anti-aging specialist Olha Malliani named a dietary supplement that has antioxidant effects, helps prevent premature aging, and supports cardiovascular health.

Main anti-aging agent

The nutritionist shared that resveratrol (RES) is a polyphenol with natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is abundant in plants, such as grapes.

Beneficial properties of resveratrol:

  • Improves blood circulation, reduces "bad" cholesterol levels, and increases "good" cholesterol, thus lowering the risk of heart disease;
  • Helps reduce systemic inflammation in the body, which is invaluable for patients with chronic inflammatory diseases;
  • Neutralizes free radicals, protecting cells from damage and slowing the aging process, particularly beneficial for smokers;
  • Stimulates metabolic processes, lowers blood glucose levels, and enhances insulin sensitivity;
  • Has neuroprotective properties that improve memory and cognitive functions, and is used in treating diabetic neuropathy.

Olha cited an interesting example from new research on resveratrol's action.

Have you ever wondered why the mother's body does not reject the child as a foreign body, which would be a normal immune system function, throughout pregnancy?

This occurs because cells located between the mother and fetus produce a unique enzyme with a complex name, called IDO-1. This enzyme activates a function that suppresses the mother’s immune system, preventing her body from rejecting the fetus. Similarly, autoimmune diseases (when the body's cells are attacked by its immune system) can be treated by activating this enzyme.

How can this enzyme be activated?

Through resveratrol. A dose of 1000 mg activates IDO-1, which suppresses immune aggression towards one’s cells.

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