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'Not without losses' in Russia: What is known about border breach in Kursk region by evening

'Not without losses' in Russia: What is known about border breach in Kursk region by evening Illustrative photo: Russian forces may be suffering losses in the Kursk region (Getty Images)

Russians continue to report "fighting" in the Kursk region, which supposedly started on the morning of August 6. There are rumors of the destruction of Russian aviation and the elimination of personnel.

For more detailed and current information about the situation in the Kursk region, please refer to the RBC-Ukraine material below.


Official Russian statements

The first official reports from Russia about the situation in the Kursk region came from the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB). They claimed that an "armed provocation" had allegedly occurred at the border.

The FSB also clarified that they had already "taken measures" to repel the "armed aggression," but did not provide further details.

Later, new details emerged from the Russian Ministry of Defense. The department reported that 300 Ukrainian soldiers, along with 11 tanks and over 20 armored combat vehicles, allegedly launched an attack in the area of the settlements of Nikolayevo-Dariino and Oleshnya, located in the Kursk region.

According to the Ministry of Defense, reserves from the Russian military group in the Kursk direction were sent to the area of the fighting.

As usual, the Russians began boasting about the large number of "destroyed" Ukrainian vehicles, including six tanks and armored combat vehicles. Moreover, the Russian forces claimed successes against Ukrainian Buk-M1 air defense systems in the Sumy region, which borders Kursk.

According to the latest information released by acting Governor of Kursk region Alexey Smirnov, as of 7:00 PM, fighting was supposedly ongoing in the Sudzha and Korenevo districts of the region. Local officials told Russian media that about 90% of the residents had evacuated from four settlements in the Sudzha district.

At the same time, Acting Governor Smirnov complained that "due to attacks by Ukrainian drones," several residents of the Kursk region had been injured.

Ukraine has not yet commented on the events in the Kursk region.

Possible Russian losses

Information about the first losses of Russian troops during the alleged border breach in the Kursk region has already appeared online.

According to propaganda Telegram channels, Russia has suffered losses in personnel, equipment, and aviation. Photos of a downed Ka-52 helicopter are being circulated on social media.

У РФ "не без втрат". Що відомо про "прорив" кордону в Курській області на вечір

Photo: Online reports of a destroyed Ka-52 in the Kursk region (

Propagandists are also reporting the destruction of a Russian Mi-8 helicopter.

Meanwhile, a video has surfaced showing at least six Russian military personnel seemingly surrendering to Ukrainian soldiers in the Kursk region. The Telegram channel VCHK-OGPU reported that Ukrainian forces approached the town of Sudzha, located 10 kilometers from the border with Ukraine.

According to unverified reports, the soldiers from the Akhmat unit, who were supposed to defend the border, have retreated.

Meanwhile, the Sumy Regional Military Administration reported that on the evening of August 6, one enemy ballistic missile, two drones, and one helicopter were shot down over the region. The type of helicopter was not specified by the administration.

Order for propaganda

Andrii Kovalenko, head of the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, reported that Russian propagandists have been instructed to shift their focus away from the situation in the north. They are tasked with creating false reports about Russian successes in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

"News about 'tricolors on administrative buildings' and major victories today have emerged. This is the enemy's traditional information strategy," he added.

Specifically, propagandist Vladimir Solovyov has invented a story about the "complete capture" of New York in the Donetsk region, claiming that the Russian flag was raised over a school building there.

"Of course, New York has not been captured by the Russians at this moment. Heavy fighting is ongoing there," Kovalenko noted.

Sources: statements from Andrii Kovalenko, head of the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine; the Sumy Regional Military Administration; the Federal Security Service of Russia (FSB); the Ministry of Defense of Russia; and information from Russian Telegram channels.