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North Korean military begins coordination in Kursk region - Center for National Resistance

North Korean military begins coordination in Kursk region - Center for National Resistance Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

North Korean soldiers are already on the territory of the Kursk region, where they have begun training exercises, according to the Center for National Resistance.

"According to concerned residents of the Kursk region, more than 3,000 mercenaries from North Korea have started their training in the area," the Center for National Resistance reported.

The North Korean military personnel are being trained at several training grounds, with troops primarily being transported at night. Alongside the soldiers, staff from the North Korean embassy are reportedly brought to the training sites to assist with translation and to observe the troops.

The Center for National Resistance clarified that it is still unknown when North Korean soldiers may be deployed to combat zones or how long their training will last. The locations of the troops are known.

Last week, Ukraine’s Main Intelligence Directorate officially confirmed that the first North Korean soldiers had arrived in the Kursk region. Prior to this, North Korean military personnel had only been spotted in the eastern part of Russia, where they were transported from North Korea by ship.

Vadym Mysnyk, a spokesperson for the operational and tactical group North, said today that there has been no direct combat contact between Ukrainian defenders and North Korean military personnel.

Meanwhile, the New York Times, citing a Ukrainian lieutenant colonel, reported that a joint offensive by Russian and North Korean soldiers could commence soon.