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North Korean army fighting for Russia won't noticeably change frontline in Ukraine - Estonian intel

North Korean army fighting for Russia won't noticeably change frontline in Ukraine - Estonian intel Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

Russia has problems in the war against Ukraine. But North Korean soldiers will not change the situation at the front, reports ERR.

Colonel Ants Kiviselg, head of the Estonian Defense Forces Intelligence Center, believes that the participation of North Korean soldiers in the Russian war against Ukraine will not change the situation at the front.

North Korea sending troops to Russia to support its aggression in Ukraine, in his opinion, indicates Russia's problems with maintaining the intensity of military activity.

“Public reports suggest that the number of North Korean troops may reach 10,000 soldiers and they are currently stationed in the Eastern Military District of Russia. There are also reports about a unit of about 3,000 people on the basis of an airborne assault brigade manned by North Koreans, which is likely to operate in the Kursk or Bryansk regions in the future,” Kiviselg said.

The intelligence chief noted that North Korea's possible deployment of such forces - 3,000 or 10,000 people - to the Ukrainian front would not bring any significant changes on the battlefield.

“However, if it continues for a longer period of time, it could play a notable role in future battles,” the colonel said.

Russia is trying to involve DPRK troops in the war

According to Western media, the DPRK was going to send troops to participate in the war against Ukraine. Moreover, some North Korean officers are already in the occupied territories of Ukraine, and some of them may have even been killed.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, about 10,000 soldiers from North Korea are currently training in Russia.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says that the DPRK is training a contingent in Russia. North Korea is ready to send not only infantry but also other branches of the military to Ukraine.