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North Korea seeks to revive its economy through cooperation with Russia - FT

North Korea seeks to revive its economy through cooperation with Russia - FT North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin (photo: GettyImages)

The economy in North Korea is improving due to Russian supplies of food, raw materials, and petroleum products, according to The Financial Times.

The war in Ukraine has reportedly strengthened the relationship between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

"The war in Ukraine has proven a bonanza for North Korea. After years of severe hardship for ordinary North Koreans during the coronavirus pandemic, Kim appears determined to use some of his windfall to improve living standards and increase his industrial base," said Peter Ward, an analyst at the Sejong Institute in Seoul, to a source.

North Korea's economy, reliant on coal mining, cement production, and industrial plastics, is sustained by food, fuel, and fertilizer imports from neighboring China.

The exact state of North Korea's economy is difficult to assess due to the lack of reliable official data.

Relations between North Korea and Russia

North Korea is assisting Russia in its war against Ukraine by supplying missiles. It has been revealed that North Korea sent 7,000 containers of military aid to Russia.

Previously, we reported that North Korea was sending weapons to Russia through China.

Incidentally, according to The Financial Times, Russia has started direct oil supplies to North Korea.