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Nobel Prize winner will not give press conferences in solidarity with Ukraine

Nobel Prize winner will not give press conferences in solidarity with Ukraine South Korean writer Han Kang (photo: Getty Images)

South Korean writer Han Kang made a statement after she won the Nobel Prize for Literature. She thanked for the award but refused to hold press conferences and comment to the media.

“I was surprised when I first received the news of my award... I was also overwhelmed by the warm congratulatory messages that poured in like a big wave. I would like to express my deep gratitude,” Han Kang said.

At the same time, the writer's father said that she decided not to hold a press conference on the occasion of the award. Thus, according to her father, Han Kang decided to express her respect for those who suffer from current global conflicts, including Russia's war against Ukraine.

Han Kang will not participate in any separate interviews with the media but will share her thoughts in a speech in Stockholm on December 10 during the award ceremony.

Kang became the first Asian woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. She was awarded the Nobel Prize for her “intense poetic prose that confronts historical traumas and exposes the fragility of human life.”

In 2016, Han Kang won the Booker Prize for her novel The Vegetarian. The novel tells the story of a woman's resolute refusal to eat meat and the devastating consequences of this decision.