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No death confirmation, but Russian Black Sea Fleet Commander 'anything but fine': Ukraine's Intelligence

No death confirmation, but Russian Black Sea Fleet Commander 'anything but fine': Ukraine's Intelligence Commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet Viktor Sokolov (Photo: Russian media)
Author: Daria Shekina

The death of the commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Viktor Sokolov, who was reportedly killed as a result of a Ukrainian cruise missile strike on his headquarters last month, remains unconfirmed, according to the representative of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Andrii Yusov.

Yusov states that "there is still no confirmation" of the "liquidation" of Admiral Viktor Sokolov.

He explains, "What is the proven fact is that many brass hats were liquidated, including the BSF command staff. As to Sokolov, he's definitely anything but fine. If and as soon as his death is confirmed, we'll surely inform the public," the statement reads.

What is known about Sokolov:

Sokolov's fate remained a mystery since the Ukrainian strike on the Black Sea Fleet headquarters on September 22.

Ukraine's Special Operations Forces announced on September 25 that Sokolov was among the 34 officers killed during the attack.

However, the Security Service of Ukraine later stated that they were clarifying the details of the attack, indicating that many of the deceased had not yet been identified as the body parts were scattered.