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New NATO Secretary General discusses strengthening Ukraine's air defense with Polish Foreign Minister

New NATO Secretary General discusses strengthening Ukraine's air defense with Polish Foreign Minister Photo: NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

On Wednesday, October 2, Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski held his first conversation with the new NATO Secretary General, Mark Rutte. The discussion included a focus on Ukraine, according to the website of the Polish Foreign Ministry.

"The conversation, which began with congratulations on taking up the post, covered the current situation in Ukraine, the prospects of NATO enlargement, and the escalating situation in the Middle East," according to the statement.

The new NATO Secretary General thanked Poland for its efforts in supporting Ukraine and emphasized the urgent need to strengthen Ukraine’s air defense systems and improve the logistics of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Both officials agreed that Russian missiles and drones violating NATO borders, over which the Russian military is losing control, pose a growing problem.

Discussing the Middle East conflict, Mark Rutte drew attention to the numerous military contingents from NATO member states and candidate countries deployed in the conflict zone, for whom the situation could pose a threat.

Additionally, the Polish Foreign Ministry’s website reported that, on behalf of Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Minister Sikorski invited the new NATO Secretary General to visit Warsaw.