New draft law on mobilization: Who qualifies for deferment rights

It has become known who among Ukrainians will be eligible for deferment under the new draft law on mobilization, military registration, and military service introduced by Kambin to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, according to the respective bill.
According to the text of the draft law, the right to deferment will be granted to:
individuals who have a spouse with a disability of I or II group and/or one of their parents or the parents of their spouse with a disability of I or II group, provided that such individuals with disabilities have chosen a conscript for their care;
people who act as guardians for a person with a disability of I or II group, as determined by a court to be incapacitated;
first-degree family members related to a person with a disability of I group, engaged in the constant care of the person with a disability of I group (not exceeding one family member), provided that such individuals with disabilities have chosen a conscript for their care;
family members of the first degree of kinship of a person with a disability of II group or a person who, according to the conclusion of a medical and social expert commission or a medical advisory commission of a healthcare institution, requires constant care, are eligible for deferment. They should be engaged in the constant care of such individuals (not exceeding one family member), provided that the individuals with disabilities have chosen a conscript for their care;
women who are on leave to care for a child until the child reaches three years of age, as well as if the child requires home care for a duration specified in the medical conclusion but not exceeding six years of age;
pregnant women;
only active Members of Parliament of Ukraine and deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea are eligible for deferment;
learners pursuing vocational (vocational-technical), specialized secondary, and higher education through full-time or dual forms of education, who are acquiring a level of education higher than previously obtained in one specialization (profession);
doctoral students studying through full-time or dual forms of education;
scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers of higher and specialized secondary education institutions, research institutions, and organizations who hold academic titles and/or degrees;
pedagogical workers of specialized secondary education institutions, professional (vocational-technical) education institutions, and general secondary education institutions, provided that they work in higher or specialized secondary education institutions, research institutions, and organizations, or professional (vocational-technical) or general secondary education institutions, with a full-time position as their main place of work;
military servicemen who were released from service to the reserve due to being released from captivity can be called to military service with their consent;
dring mobilization, citizens who were released from compulsory military service during the state of war are not subject to conscription for military service for six months;
deferment from conscription is not granted to state officials, employees of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine, the State Executive Service of Ukraine, and the prosecutor's office.
The registration of a draft law in the Verkhovna Rada does not automatically mean the implementation of any changes in mobilization. The Parliament has received the document, which will now be discussed in the relevant committee.
Changes in the process of mobilization in Ukraine
As previously reported, the Ukrainian government is working on changes to the rules of mobilization, military registration, and military service.
Among the initiatives proposed by the Ministry of Defense is the possibility of sending electronic notifications to conscripts, including those residing abroad, to report to military enlistment offices.
Additionally, there have been reports that suggestions include the option of sending conscription notices by mail.
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently shared during a press conference that the General Staff has requested the mobilization of an additional 450-500 thousand Ukrainians. This request has been confirmed by members of the ruling party. David Arakhamia, the head of the Servant of the People faction, confirmed that the military command has submitted a request for the mobilization of 500 thousand troops, and the government is working on the corresponding rules.