Negative thoughts that destroy you every day: Learn how to stop them

Everyone faces intrusive negative thoughts that poison life and lead to a loss of strength and self-belief. And it can be very difficult to break out of the circle of these thoughts. However, it is important and necessary, because we are able to design our own future with our thoughts.
Negative thoughts can arise from stress, self-doubt, or even social pressure. Psychologists emphasize that this condition can be changed if you learn to control your mind and react to the situation differently.
Why do negative thoughts arise
The reasons may be as follows:
- Constant stress and overload
- High expectations of yourself or others
- Traumatic events in the past
- Lack of confidence in your strengths and abilities
Experts advise not to ignore these reasons but to try to understand them.
Methods of dealing with negative thoughts
1. Recognizing your thoughts is the first step to freedom
We often don't notice how negative thoughts become part of our everyday thinking. They can be taken for granted, as something that just is. But recognizing them is a big step towards changing the situation.
Pay more attention to what you think, and when you notice it, just ask yourself the question: "Is this really true?" We often notice that our fears and worries are greatly exaggerated.
2. Instead of fighting, change your perspective
Negative thoughts don't come about because you're bad or weak, but because your mind is trying to protect you from the unknown or potential dangers. But in today's world, we're not always trying to survive like we used to.
So instead of fighting these thoughts, try to process them. For example, if you think: "I can't do it," try thinking: "It's hard, but I can take at least one small step toward it." Small steps give you confidence.
3. Mindfulness: living here and now
Often we are so immersed in our thoughts that we forget what is happening around us. Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present in the moment.
The next time negative thoughts attack, try to pause: pay attention to what you see, hear, and feel. Maybe you'll notice something beautiful outside the window or smell the coffee. This will bring you back to reality and give you a break from your own experiences.
4. Self-affirmations - your positive mantras
No one can believe in you like you do. Create a few positive affirmations for yourself that will serve as support in the most difficult moments.
For example: "I am strong enough to handle any challenge" or "I deserve to be happy." When negative thoughts come, repeat them. These are not just words, but a reminder to yourself that you deserve support and love, including from yourself.
5. Body and emotions - a connection that is important not to ignore
When we are worried, our body also reacts - tension, pain, and pressure. However, physical activity can be your ally in the fight against negativity.
A walk in the fresh air, a few simple exercises, or yoga can help relieve stress and calm your mind. Physical activity releases endorphins, the "happy hormones" that improve mood and help you relax.
6. Talk through your feelings with someone close to you
Sometimes all you need is to share your feelings with someone who understands you. Friends, family, or even a psychologist can help you see the situation from a different perspective. This not only eases the emotional state but also makes you feel supported, which is an important element in reducing anxiety.
7. Please do not forget about yourself - you deserve to be taken care of
Give yourself small pleasures. It can be anything: a cup of tea, time for a hobby, a walk in the park, or watching your favorite movie. When we treat ourselves with attention and care, we do not allow negative thoughts to take over our inner space.
8. Switch your attention
To avoid focusing only on the negative, you need to fill your life with something positive. To do this, you need to switch not only your thoughts but also your attention and emotions. The best way is to do something that brings you pleasure.
For example: going for a walk, listening to music, talking to loved ones, drawing, reading, watching a movie, playing with children or animals, and even shopping can quickly switch your thoughts to another direction.
9. Write down your thoughts
Start a diary and write down all the thoughts that come to your mind during the day. This will help you analyze and identify which topics cause you to feel anxious and in a bad mood. Finding the cause and starting to work on it is an important step toward overcoming negative thoughts.
10. Don't be afraid to ask for help
If you feel that negative thoughts are taking up a large part of your life and affecting your emotional state, don't hesitate to seek help from a psychologist.
Sometimes the best step is to accept that you don't have to (and can't) handle everything on your own. Professional support can be an important step on the road to feeling better.
Negative thoughts are just a part of your life, but they shouldn't rule it. Remember that every day is a new chance to change your mindset and start living more consciously and happily.
Earlier, we wrote about 12 powerful phrases that can support you in the most difficult moments of your life.
Sources: Harvard University research, advice from psychologists Mark Williams and Dale Carnegie, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Psychology Today.