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Navy on whether Russia has missile carriers in Black and Azov Seas

Navy on whether Russia has missile carriers in Black and Azov Seas Russian ship (
Author: Maria Kholina

As of 6:00 AM on July 10, no Kalibr missile carriers have been detected in the Black and Azov Seas, according to the Ukrainian Navy.

However, three other enemy ships were spotted in the Azov Sea. These ships do not pose a missile threat to Ukraine.

Meanwhile, two carriers of Kalibr cruise missiles, with a total salvo capacity of up to 24 missiles, were spotted in the Mediterranean Sea.

Additionally, the military reported that in the past day, the Kerch Strait was transited in the interests of Russia by:

  • 6 ships entering the Black Sea, 3 of which continued towards the Bosphorus Strait;
  • 9 ships entering the Azov Sea, 2 of which came from the Bosphorus Strait.

During the NATO summit in Washington, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the new Patriot air defense systems would help repel Russian attacks, but they would not be sufficient.

Previously, RBC-Ukraine reported that Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Ukraine needs at least 128 F-16 aircraft to effectively compete with Russia in the skies.