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Naval Forces explain why RF boom defense in Black Sea is ineffective

Naval Forces explain why RF boom defense in Black Sea is ineffective Archive photo: Ukrainian Navy spokesman Dmytro Pletenchuk (facebook com Taclbery)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Russians are installing several layers of boom defense in the Black Sea, but Ukrainian naval drones are still hitting the Russian ships, according to Dmytro Pletenchuk, a spokesman for the Ukrainian Navy.

"I can only remind you that during the destruction of the harbor tug that was setting up this boom defense, the video clearly shows the drone overcoming this boom," said Pletenchuk.

According to him, it is possible to believe in the effectiveness of the RF defense boom in the Black Sea, but practice shows a different result. Despite this, the Russians continue to build similar engineering structures in the Black Sea.

"They are trying to narrow the area to be controlled directly in the Kerch Strait. The idea is that by narrowing this area, the drone should choose the easiest way, where there is no defense boom, to pass faster. And the smaller the area, the easier it is to control, that’s the calculation," Pletenchuk explained.

The spokesperson added that the presence of the defense boom does not facilitate navigation for ships passing through the Kerch Strait to Russian ports.

Russia attempts to protect its fleet in the Black Sea

Ukrainian soldiers are striking the ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in the area of occupied Crimea using surface drones.

In response, the Russian forces are trying to come up with ways to protect their fleet. Previously, Pletenchuk reported that they used sunken barges for this purpose.