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NATO fails to agree on long-term support for Ukraine, media

NATO fails to agree on long-term support for Ukraine, media NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (Getty Images)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg failed to convince the allies to make a multi-year financial commitment to support Ukraine, according to DPA and ASB Zeitung.

NATO allies were able to agree only on the eve of the summit in Washington to provide at least 40 billion euros in aid over the next year.

There is no specific agreement on how much each country will contribute. NATO states only vaguely said that gross domestic product (GDP) would play a role.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called on the allies to guarantee Ukraine long-term military assistance of at least 40 billion euros a year. One of the reasons is to show Russian President Vladimir Putin that he would not win his war against Ukraine.

40 billion euros roughly corresponds to the annual support that the allies have provided since the beginning of the Russian invasion.

NATO's assistance to Ukraine

According to Bloomberg, several North Atlantic alliance member states are not ready to make firm promises of long-term military assistance to Ukraine.

Initially, it was assumed that NATO countries would be able to reach an agreement if the $40 billion aid to Ukraine was included in the alliance's existing commitment to spend at least 2% of GDP on defense.

At the upcoming NATO summit in Washington, the alliance will offer Ukraine a new headquarters to manage military aid as part of a guarantee of the alliance's long-term commitment to the country's security.