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NATO Chief visits new NATO's Security Assistance and Training Ukraine command

NATO Chief visits new NATO's Security Assistance and Training Ukraine command Photo: Mark Rutte, NATO Secretary General (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The new NATO command in Germany will have significance for Ukrainian soldiers on the battlefield. It will specifically focus on coordinating military aid for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, stated NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, according to the NATO press service.

On October 15, Rutte made his first visit to NATO's Security Assistance and Training Ukraine (NSATU) command, located in Wiesbaden, Germany. There, he held a meeting with German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius.

During his conversation with the military personnel working at the headquarters, Rutte emphasized the importance of their work, which is laying the groundwork for 700 personnel to be stationed in Wiesbaden and at logistics hubs on the Alliance's eastern flank.

"He said that the new command will make a real difference for Ukraine on the battlefield and “for our own security," the NATO press service quoted Rutte as saying.

The NSATU is expected to coordinate the provision of equipment from NATO allies to Ukraine, as well as the training of Ukrainian defenders. Specifically, it will coordinate the delivery of artillery, ammunition, and air defense systems.


It is worth noting that in the summer, NATO began establishing a center in Germany to coordinate military aid for Ukraine (NSATU).

The NATO headquarters is expected to include 330 military personnel. Around 200 soldiers are already in Wiesbaden, though the center has not yet started full operations.