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Mushroom cloud spotted over Zaporizhzhia: Anomalous phenomenon causes

Mushroom cloud spotted over Zaporizhzhia: Anomalous phenomenon causes Photo: mushroom cloud over Zaporizhzhia on June 17 (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Yesterday, June 17, a mushroom cloud formed in the sky over Zaporizhzhia and was captured in a photo. This anomalous phenomenon is related to weather conditions, according to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.

According to the Zaporizhzhia Regional Center for Hydrometeorology, on June 17, a cumulonimbus cumulus cloud was observed in the sky above the city, which looked like a mushroom.

The report explains that the cloud takes on such a bizarre shape when it meets a layer of warmer air at a higher altitude (inversion - ed.).

"The vertical development of the cloud stops, and its top spreads under this layer in the form of an anvil. These clouds are the cause of such meteorological phenomena as thunderstorms, hail, and squalls in the summer," the forecasters explain.

Mushroom cloud spotted over Zaporizhzhia: Anomalous phenomenon causes

Photo: Mushroom cloud over Zaporizhzhia on June 17 (

Weather in Ukraine during week

Ukraine will experience warm weather next week. The only exception on Thursday, June 20, will be the north of the country, where a short-term cold snap is expected.