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Moisturizes and saturates with protein: This drink is real treasure for health

Moisturizes and saturates with protein: This drink is real treasure for health A drink has been named that is as hydrating as water (photo: Freepik)

You can moisturize your body and get the same effect as from regular water with plain milk. The drink is 90% water and also contains calcium, which is essential for the body, reports Eating well.

Benefits of milk

Milk has the perfect moisturizing effect of electrolytes, water, and carbohydrates. This thirst-quenching combination makes milk a beverage that helps to hydrate the body.

A study that tested 13 different beverages found that whole milk, skim milk, and orange juice provided better hydration than water.

The milk-based hydration drink helps the body stay hydrated longer than water and increases fluid retention. This also resulted in a smaller spike in blood sugar levels, making it a more stable source of energy compared to traditional sports drinks.

Contains electrolytes

Electrolytes are minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. They help maintain the body's overall balance, from regulating chemical reactions and promoting muscle contraction to maintaining blood pressure and proper fluid balance.

No matter how low in fat it is, milk has all of these electrolytes.

One glass of reduced-fat milk (2%) contains:

  • calories - 122
  • total carbohydrates - 12 g
  • protein - 8 g
  • saturated fat - 3 g
  • Sodium - 96 mg (4% of the daily value)
  • Calcium - 309 mg
  • Potassium - 390 mg
  • Magnesium - 29 mg (12% DV)
  • phosphorus - 252 mg

Matt Pikoski, PhD said that although electrolytes do not moisturize by themselves, they help regulate fluid balance.

90% water

Milk, like many other foods such as fruits and vegetables, is naturally high in water, which can help meet your hydration needs.

Milk naturally contains about 90% water, which can help moisturize in the same way as water.

Beverage is a good option for hydration because they are natural electrolytes. They help regulate fluid balance.

Contains natural sugar

Sugar is a type of carbohydrate, and milk contains a natural sugar called lactose. Either type of carbohydrate can contribute to hydration because the process of absorbing carbohydrates in the gut requires electrolytes.

The presence of carbohydrates promotes the absorption of fluid from the small intestine into the bloodstream. So carbohydrates help these electrolytes to be absorbed in the body, where they can help the fluid go where it needs to go.

Is plant milk as moisturizing as cow's milk

The uniqueness of milk is that it contains a natural balance of water, electrolytes, and macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats). Plant-based milk usually contains less potassium and sugar than cow's milk.

If you are avoiding dairy products or looking for a vegan alternative, plant-based is the way to go.

Particularly if you are buying a non-dairy alternative, always check the nutritional value of these electrolytes to better understand the benefits of hydrating your plant milk.

Should I drink milk instead of water?

It's clear that milk can help you hydrate, but it shouldn't be your only source of fluids.

Milk is a very healthy addition to a well-balanced diet. But, in terms of hydration, it shouldn't be your only drink.

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