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Mobilization ongoing now: Ukrainian top official reveals possibility of enlisting 300k people into Armed Forces at once

Mobilization ongoing now: Ukrainian top official reveals possibility of enlisting 300k people into Armed Forces at once Oleksiy Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (Photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daria Shekina

According to a statement made by Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov in an interview with NV, a newly approved mobilization plan is implemented every two months.

According to his words, mobilization is currently ongoing in Ukraine, which was declared on February 24, 2023. However, the military is now enlisting the number of mobilized individuals they deem necessary.

"Every morning when I go to work, I see a queue at one of the army recruitment centers nearby. We don't have this situation where mobilization is a process that needs to be talked about so loudly to everyone. Are there any issues? Well, yes, of course, there are, as in any endeavor. But it's not extremely critical," said Danilov.

He notes that the military consults the National Security and Defense Council to determine the duration of mobilization. However, according to Danilov, there is no need to recruit 300,000 people into the army all at once.

He emphasizes that cases of conscripts being exposed to bribery, which have become more frequent, have not affected the number of mobilized individuals.

"Another matter is that Russia constantly claims that we have old, blind, and deaf people being taken into the army. It's their business to say that. But I can say that we have cases where people have been wounded, where people have lost parts of their bodies, and they go to the front, they continue to serve," he underlined.

Mobilization in Ukraine

Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a general mobilization has been implemented. The most recent extension of mobilization, along with martial law, was announced on July 27. Therefore, it will be in effect in the country until at least November 15 of the current year.

Recently President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that he had received requests from the military to enhance mobilization. But, as the head of state mentioned, this matter would be worked on after an order was established with military recruitment offices and military medical commissions.