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Military instructors from Russia arrived in Niger as part of junta-Putin agreement

Military instructors from Russia arrived in Niger as part of junta-Putin agreement Russian military instructors have arrived in Niger (photo:

Russian military instructors, along with equipment, have arrived in Niger, where a state coup took place last summer and power in the country was seized by a junta, according to Reuters.

Footage of the arrival of Russian military personnel on a plane loaded with military equipment was broadcast by the state television RTN in Niger yesterday, Thursday. However, it is noted that the plane from Russia landed in this African country on Wednesday.

RTN television, while reporting on the arrival of Russians to Niger, referred to an agreement between the junta and dictator Vladimir Putin to strengthen cooperation between the countries.

The television broadcast showed footage of a military cargo plane unloading equipment, with people in uniform standing nearby.

"We are here to train the Nigerien army ... (and) to develop military cooperation between Russia and Niger," said one of the men in camouflage uniform, who, according to RTN, was one of the instructors.

RTN also said Russia had agreed to install an anti-aircraft system in Niger.

State coup in Niger

It should be recalled that at the end of July 2023, the security forces of Niger's President Mohammed Bazoum staged a state coup. They took the head of state hostage and declared the overthrow of the government. Subsequently, the new head of Niger was announced to be the leader of the presidential guard, Abdurahman Chiani.

Several African countries were ready to deploy their troops to Niger to stop the state coup.

At the same time, the Niger junta accused France of deploying troops in several countries in West Africa for military intervention. They also called on the French government to recall its ambassador from the country.

In addition, in March 2024, the Niger junta terminated a military agreement with the US. Last month, The Wall Street Journal reported that the US accused Niger of negotiating an agreement to provide Iran with access to local uranium deposits.