ua en ru

Military hospital in Moscow overcrowded, wounded arriving by trains

Military hospital in Moscow overcrowded, wounded arriving by trains Military hospital in Lefortovo in Moscow (Photo:
Author: Daria Shekina

In the Russian capital, Moscow, the main Military Clinical Hospital named after N.M. Burdenko is overcrowded with wounded individuals. Due to a lack of space in the hospital wards, patients are being left in corridors and dining areas, according to the Telegram channel of the Crimean Resistance Movement Atesh.

"In the main hospital of Moscow, problems have been observed, as reported by one of the internal sources. The medical facility is overcrowded with military personnel," representatives of the underground reported.

Partisans have noted that the severity of the situation is indicated by the fact that the hospital is refusing to admit new patients.

Specifically, Russian military personnel from the occupying contingent who were wounded in combat in Ukraine are being sent back to the front "without being recognized as disabled."

Representatives of the Resistance Forces add that payments for injuries "are either delayed or not provided at all."

"According to the latest information, the wounded continue to be brought to the hospital by trains. The volume of transportation is so significant that when unloading, stretchers with the injured fill the entire platform, creating a dreadful sight," the material reads.

Partisans reveal details about the overcrowded main military hospital in Moscow (photo:
Situation with hospitals among occupiers

Previously, the National Resistance Center reported that Russian invaders continue to convert hospitals in temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine into military hospitals. Recently, the interveners also brought in a group of doctors from Russia.

Earlier, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine noted that due to the lack of space in medical facilities in temporarily occupied territories, Russian forces are converting residential buildings into hospitals. Consequently, they do not deviate from their tactic of using a human shield by taking cover among the locals.

Additionally, reports indicate an expansion of hospital networks, as increasingly more hospitals in temporarily occupied Crimea are being converted to serve the military.

Starting from the beginning of 2024, occupiers will refuse medical services to Ukrainians who have not received Russian passports in the occupied territories.