ua en ru

Military authorities clarify consequences of air strike on Kharkiv - Children among victims

Military authorities clarify consequences of air strike on Kharkiv - Children among victims Russia attacks Kharkiv with bombs (photo: Getty Images)

On the afternoon of Sunday, June 23, the Russian Federation struck two districts of the city of Kharkiv. It is known about 10 wounded and one dead, reports the head of the Kharkiv regional military administration, Oleh Syniehubov.

According to Syniehubov, 10 people were injured and 1 person was killed as a result of an enemy air strike on civilian objects in the Shevchenkivskyi and Kholodnohirskyi districts of Kharkiv.

It is also known that among the victims are two teenagers aged 15 and 16. Two of the victims are in serious condition. One person sustained moderate injuries.

"The private sector and a children's educational institution were hit. Half of Kharkiv's consumers are without electricity. Experts are already working to restore electricity," Syniehubov said.

Russia has once again used guided aerial bombs to strike the city. Read more about what kind of bombs they are and how Russia uses them in RBC-Ukraine's article.

Shelling of Kharkiv

Yesterday, Russian troops again massively shelled Kharkiv using four guided aerial bombs. As a result of yesterday's shelling, more than 40 people are hospitalized, some of them in serious condition.

As a result of today's attack, the Kharkiv metro stopped running and began to operate only as a shelter.