Mama's boy. 10 characteristics of men that create problems in relationship

A strong attachment to the mother can sometimes affect a man's ability to build a harmonious relationship with his partner. Such men, popularly called "mama's boys," have habits that complicate their relationships with women.
Constant advice from mom
Such a man constantly consults with his mother on any matter of life: from what to cook for the evening to choosing a car.
The partner in such a relationship always feels second best, and this creates tension, which sooner or later leads to conflicts.
Important decisions are made only with the mother's approval. This leads to the partner feeling ignored and unnecessary in the relationship.
Comparison with mom
Often, such men evaluate their partners through the prism of "mom's standards." For example: "Mom is a better cook" or "Mom has never done this before". This can be hurtful and undermine your partner's confidence.
Need for reassurance
Such men are used to receiving approval from their mothers, and they expect the same behavior from their partners. This leads to emotional dependence and self-doubt.
In addition, due to the lack of experience in resolving conflicts in childhood, a man may avoid them in adulthood or respond to them ineffectively.
It is also difficult to expect support from such a partner because mama's boys are usually emotionally unstable and dependent on other women. They also cannot stand criticism.
Financial dependence on the mother
If a man continues to take money from his mother or is dependent on her financial assistance, this can cause conflicts, as it demonstrates his inability to provide for his family on his own.
Regular phone calls or visits to the mother
Mama's boys may call or visit their mothers on a daily basis, even when it makes their partner uncomfortable. Especially if these calls occur during dates or romantic evenings.
Inability to say no to his mother
A man with a strong attachment cannot say "no" to his mother, even if it harms his relationship. For example, a mother may demand that her son spend more time with her than with his partner.
Expectations that the partner will be a "second mom"
Mama's boys often want their partner to repeat their maternal role: to look after them, perform all household tasks, and take full care of them.
If in childhood, all household duties were performed by the mother, then such a man will transfer this model of behavior to adult relationships. Therefore, you will not expect such a partner to help with household chores.
You can't please everyone
Such men are often triggered by the fear that their mothers may be offended if they pay more attention to their partner than to them.
The result is constant attempts to "sit on two chairs," trying to please two women at once, resentment from both sides and exhaustion, both moral and physical, on the part of the man.
Too high expectations from a partner
If a mother has always put her son on a pedestal, he may develop a distorted perception: his partner must be perfect, like his mother. This creates unrealistic expectations and tension.
By the way, it is mama's boys who most often lack initiative. They rely on their mothers and then on their partners to make decisions and plan their leisure time together, expecting women to take initiative and lead.
Complete dependence on mom in crisis situations
In any difficult situation, such men do not try to find a solution on their own or discuss the problem with their partner but immediately turn to their mother for help or advice.
Interesting facts:
- In psychology, there is a term "emotional immaturity" that is often used for adults who are too close to their parents.
- According to research, men who experience strong maternal influence in adulthood are more likely to have difficulty making independent decisions.
- In Ukraine, mothers traditionally have a great influence on the upbringing of their sons, but in the modern world, this often causes an imbalance in relationships.
- In some Asian countries, such dependence is normal, as maternal authority dominates even after a son's marriage.
- For a harmonious relationship, it's important that both partners maintain healthy boundaries in their communication with family.
Sources: Psychology Today,,