Magic drink to detox your body: Dietitian's advice

One of the hottest topics among bloggers, nutritionists, and dietitians after the winter holidays is detox, or body cleansing. People believe in it, put their hopes on it, and endow it with almost magical properties. In the mass consciousness, detox is synonymous with weight loss. The promises to "cleanse from toxins" are widely used in the advertising of various products and are considered both inappropriate and unscientific, according to dietitian Oksana Skytalinska.
What is detoxification?
It is the process of purifying the body from toxins by neutralizing and subsequently eliminating them. Detoxification can be achieved through various methods, mainly used in intensive care units (emergency detoxification), as well as through chemical and physical methods. It can also occur naturally.
Natural detoxification occurs through:
lungs (carbon dioxide), skin (lactic acid and toxic substances through sweat), liver (produces detoxification enzymes that bind toxins and transform them into non-toxic forms), kidneys (eliminate metabolic products and toxins from blood and excrete them through urine), intestines, immune system (absorbing toxins through phagocytosis and binding with blood proteins).
The most influential factor in the natural detoxification process, especially in winter, is water.
It is easiest to experience water deficiency in winter because people tend to drink less in cold weather.
Skytalinska mentioned that a study published in The Lancet emphasized the importance of drinking water and avoiding dehydration.
"Not only because water is a perfect solvent where all biochemical reactions take place and harmful substances are more easily eliminated, but also because chronic dehydration leads to the development of many chronic diseases," explained the dietitian.
She says that the study was based on sodium. Its concentration in the body depends on the volume of water we drink. The more fluid, the more diluted electrolytes, including sodium, will be. It's similar to pouring water into an oversalted soup. The higher the concentration of certain substances in the blood and urine, the harder the heart, kidneys, liver, and brain work. This can lead to stroke and heart failure, according to the study. Moreover, people with high sodium levels were found to die at a young age more often.
Recommended daily water intake
There is a specific formula: 35-40 ml per kg of body weight. Ideal body weight. Therefore, for people with excess weight and obesity, it is necessary to calculate the kilograms of fat and fluid from this formula. In general, for a person with normal body weight, this is approximately 3 liters per day. Out of these 3 liters, some water is contained in vegetables, fruits, berries, dishes, and beverages.
The expert recommends starting the day with a glass of plain warm water.
"If you find it completely 'unappetizing,' add a bit of lemon. But I would still recommend trying plain water," concluded Skytalinska.
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