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Maduro claims Venezuelan opposition plotting terror attack: Media

Maduro claims Venezuelan opposition plotting terror attack: Media Photo: Allegedly re-elected Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (Getty Images)

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, whose legitimacy after re-election is questioned, has claimed that the opposition is planning a terrorist attack in the capital, Caracas, reports Bloomberg.

The alleged attack is set to take place today, Saturday, August 3. In response, all security forces have been instructed to strengthen the city's protection.

According to Maduro, a group of mercenaries armed with grenades and other weapons plan to carry out an attack in the Bello Monte district. This area of Caracas is located across the road from Las Mercedes, where María Corina Machado, the head of the campaign against President Maduro, has called for a peaceful demonstration at 10:00 AM.

"I alert all of Venezuela of possible attacks carried out by the ‘small commands’ on the orders of Machado and with the complicity of Gonzalez (opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González), using these groups of criminals against themselves," Maduro said at a press conference.

The disputed Venezuelan president also accused Machado and González of involvement in an attempted coup orchestrated by the United States.

It should be noted that the US has declared Edmundo González the winner of the recent presidential election in Venezuela. Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that the result announced by Maduro's controlled National Electoral Council was deeply flawed and did not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people.

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported that Nicolás Maduro had urged the country's supreme court to review the election results after leaders challenged his victory claim.