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Macron calls for unity against far-right in second round of elections

Macron calls for unity against far-right in second round of elections Photo: French President Emmanuel Macron (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

French President Emmanuel Macron says that the high turnout in the first round of parliamentary elections shows the importance of this vote, according to BFM TV.

Macron calls for broad, clearly democratic, and republican solidarity in the second round against the far-right National Union.

"The high turnout in the first round of these legislative elections shows the importance of this vote for all our compatriots and the desire to clarify the political situation. We are obliged to make their democratic choice," he says.

According to estimates by the Elabe Institute for BFMTV, RMC, and La Tribune Dimanche, the National Rally received 33% of the vote and could win an absolute majority of seats, predicting between 260 and 310 seats. The presidential coalition received 22% of the votes.

Parliamentary elections in France

After the elections to the European Parliament and the subsequent failure of the presidential party, Emmanuel Macron dissolved the National Assembly of France and announced early parliamentary elections.

The first round of elections in France took place on June 30, in which the far-right party of the pro-Russian Marine Le Pen won.