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Lithuanian parliament urges to admit Ukraine to join NATO at next year's summit

Lithuanian parliament urges to admit Ukraine to join NATO at next year's summit Lithuanian parliament called on NATO to admit Ukraine to the Alliance at the summit in Washington in 2024 (Photo: Getty Images)

The Seimas of Lithuania has adopted a resolution calling on NATO countries to admit Ukraine to the Alliance at the summit scheduled to take place in Washington in 2024, according to LRT.

In total, 122 members of the Seimas voted in favor of the resolution out of 141.

"Ukraine is a provider of security, so its NATO membership will strengthen the alliance and will be much more effective and less costly than the support currently provided to Ukraine to defend itself. With full support for Ukraine through practical means, including NATO's political support, it is right to invite Ukraine to join NATO," the resolution states.

According to the chairman of the parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, Žygimantas Pavilionis, the document was prepared by Lithuanian deputies and those who signed the Act of Independence of Lithuania.

Pavilionis said they hoped what had not been achieved in Vilnius would be accomplished in Washington in ten months.

He clarified that if Ukraine's membership in NATO is not confirmed, there is a threat of a "bad peace" with Russia, which will also affect Lithuania's security.

Ukraine's NATO membership

During the NATO summit in Vilnius, which took place at the beginning of July, member countries agreed to remove the requirement for Ukraine to fulfill an action plan for membership.

However, the leaders of the Alliance countries still declined to invite our country to join NATO officially.

It is worth noting that a few days ago, the President of Lithuania, Gitanas Nauseda, expressed hope that Ukraine would receive the "green light" for NATO membership in 2024.