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Latvian President calls for lifting all weapon restrictions on Ukraine

Latvian President calls for lifting all weapon restrictions on Ukraine Photo: President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

After the Russian attack on Poltava today, September 3, Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs called for the lifting of restrictions on the use of all types of weapons by Ukrainian troops against Russia, according to the Latvian President's post on the social network X.

Commenting on Russia's attack on Poltava today, Rinkēvičs said that allowing long-range strikes would not mean an escalation, but would help save civilian lives.

"One more time: restrictions imposed on Ukraine to use all weapons against Russia must be lifted. This is not about escalation, this is about the survival of innocent people," the Latvian President emphasized.

Russian attack on Poltava

This morning, on September 3, Russian troops attacked a training center in Poltava with two ballistic missiles.

The attack partially destroyed the Institute of Communications. There are also 271 injured and more than 50 dead.

Read all the details of the Russian strike on Poltava in the material by RBC-Ukraine.