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Latvia to not recognize diplomas obtained in Russia after start of war in Ukraine

Latvia to not recognize diplomas obtained in Russia after start of war in Ukraine Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Latvia will not recognize educational documents obtained in Russia after February 24, 2022, the date marking the start of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine. These changes to the legislation have been proposed by the deputies of the National Alliance, citing Delfi.

Opposition deputies expressed concern that Russia is actively attracting students from Latvia and other European countries to its universities. They believe that upon returning home, these graduates could contribute to the spread of Russian influence.

The National Alliance says that among Latvian citizens detained by the State Security Service last year, there are those who either studied or continue to study in Russia.

The explanatory note to the bill states that these amendments could reduce the interest of young people in participating in propaganda activities and mitigate threats to national security.

Latvia-Russia relations

Relations between Russia and Latvia have significantly deteriorated in recent years, directly impacting the work of Russian diplomats in this Baltic country.

Due to the geopolitical situation and the worsening relations between Russia and Western countries, including the Baltic states, the position of Russian diplomats in Latvia has become extremely difficult. Both countries have repeatedly taken measures, accusing each other of espionage, interference in internal affairs, and other violations of diplomatic norms.

The Russian embassy in Latvia has faced significant operational restrictions, including difficulties in obtaining visas for Russian diplomats and their family members, as well as limitations on movement within the country.

On September 8, Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs announced the discovery of a fallen Russian drone in the eastern part of the country.

Preliminary data suggests it was a Shahed drone equipped with explosives. In response to this incident, Latvian authorities have launched an investigation to clarify all the circumstances of the event.