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Latvia tightens border checks on goods from Russia and Belarus

Latvia tightens border checks on goods from Russia and Belarus Illustrative photo (Facebook)

Starting Sunday, August 25, the Food and Veterinary Service (FVS) of Latvia has intensified the inspection of goods from Russia and Belarus at border checkpoints, reports Delfi.

The intensified checks are being conducted to reduce risks to human and animal health and, in the case of genetically modified organisms, to protect the environment.

The enhanced inspections will continue until February 23, 2025, based on data analysis from April 1 to July 31, 2024, which revealed ongoing concerns about the safety of these goods.

Latvia's stance on Russia

Latvia strongly condemns Russia for its aggression against Ukraine and regularly calls for stricter sanctions against the Kremlin.

Latvia's Ambassador to Ukraine, Ilgvars Kļava, previously stated that while Riga is not 100% prepared for a potential invasion from Russia, as a NATO member, it is now better protected than ever.

Additionally, this winter, Latvia introduced mandatory military service for men of a certain age to deter Russia from invading Western countries.