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Latvia sends largest batch of drones to Ukraine

Latvia sends largest batch of drones to Ukraine Latvian Defense Minister Andris Sprūds (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Latvia is preparing to send its largest shipment of drones to Ukraine, comprising 1,400 units from local manufacturers, according to Latvian Defense Minister Andris Spruds.

"This concludes the Ministry of Defense's procurement of more than 2,700 drones from Latvian industry for Ukraine," the minister said.

In total, under the International Drone Coalition, Latvia has already delivered 3,000 combat drones of various types to Ukraine.

Spruds said that Latvia will continue to support Ukraine until its victory.

Drone coalition

Earlier this year, Ukraine's international partners established a drone coalition to support Ukrainian forces in their fight against Russian troops, with the United Kingdom and Latvia leading the initiative.

In June, Spruds announced the delivery of the first batch of drones to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

In July, a joint drone coalition fund was established, with resources allocated to procure drones for Ukrainian troops. Additionally, it was revealed that in July, Ukrainian forces used more strike drones than Russian occupiers.